Week 10: Polish and Final Presentation
After tons of work, late nights, and countless play testing sessions we finally have a product worth showing. While we were quite under-scoped for this class (this is both good and bad) we had plenty of time to polish our game which made our game stand out from the rest of the class. As part of our presentation for the class, we have recorded a quick video showcasing all of the mechanics and the game loop. Check it out below: Each of our team members provided tons of help with this project. Here is what each worked on: Nick: 3D Models Environment set pieces Fish player with rigs Animations Movement, Attack, Hit, and respawn Propping Environment Layout Art Direction. Zac: Fish Controller: Made physical controller Play Testing: Play tested literally everywhere, with those who play fighting games too Recruitment: Brought in music talent Scripts: Bomb Death Box Movement Attack Hit edge case bug fixing Input: Movement Attack Logic Bug F...